What are the symptoms of a car AC Receiver drier bottle being blocked

Date:2024/6/22 20:51:47 Read:44

What are the symptoms of a car  A/C Receiver drier bottle being blocked ?

The car A/C Receiver drier is used to filter refrigerant. If it is blocked, the air conditioning system will not cool. If the material in the dry filter is damaged, the air conditioning pipeline will be blocked. If the dry filter absorbs too much water, the refrigeration system pipeline will be blocked by ice. In addition, if the dryer is blocked, you can see from the air conditioning pressure gauge that the pressure at both high and low pressure ends is low.

A/C Receiver drier

A common fault of the dryer is that the filter element is dirty and blocked, which makes the refrigerant flow poorly, resulting in insufficient or no refrigeration.
The way to judge whether the car A/C Receiver drier is broken is to look at the sight glass on the top of the dryer to see if there is water mist. If it is broken, the air blown out by the air conditioner will not be very cool.
If the dryer is blocked, the temperature of the upper and lower parts of the bottle is different. Touch the temperature of the pipes at both ends of the reservoir. If the temperature difference is large, it must be replaced. If there is dirty blockage or ice blockage in the system, it must be replaced A/C Receiver drier